Blogger Widgets Heavy Metal World: HI!!!!!!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013


HI EVERYONE! Sorry, I've been WAY to busy to take a break and blog. LOL I just noticed I did some typos in the last few posts. I'm too lazy to fix them, but ty]e should be "type"and fi]m should be "film" or however I misspelled those words... Anyways..... I have 2 announcements. 1. I have a new blog. It's called <------ Check it out. I'm still working on it, but this is how far I've come. This blog is for all the depressed people in the world who feel like they're nothing. At times I feel like I'm nothing, but not all the time. Anyways, hope you like it. The second announcement is that I will add Floor Jansen to the Rise of Rock! Based on the poll, most of you guys want Floor Jansen. I MIGHT put Maria and Ji-in Cho to the Rise of Rock, BUT it all depends on YOUR VOTES. So keep voting in THAT poll, and in a month or so I'll look at the polls and take it from there. Chow!

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